Learn how to play the guitar, explore different techniques and learn iconic guitar songs from your favorite artists


We have created this step by step program to help you learn how to play guitar successfully. A lot of people find it difficult because the learning process can be staggered by not having a clear structured plan just for you and what you want to learn. That's why we feature examples in TAB and standard music notation, and have very clear instructions in how to move through each stepping stone.

You'll learn how to hold the instrument, play with a pick, count time, read music, and play simple chords. Acoustic Guitar Basics is a must-have for anyone serious about starting to learn acoustic guitar.

WHat you'll learn
  • Get to Know Your Instrument
  • Tuning
  • TAB and Notation
  • Music Theory
  • Different Playing Styles
What you'll need
  • Computer
  • Webcam
  • Microphone
  • Guitar
  • Tuner